Posted in Life in Korea, Sightseeing in Korea, Study Abroad

Sightseeing in Busan — Temple on a Cliff

I know my blog has kind of transformed into a travel blog recently, which isn’t really my intention, but don’t worry, there will be language updates coming soon.  I wanted to wait until I was closer to the end of the program to report my thoughts on the language class, the textbook, etc.  I’ve also bought a few Korean books, so anticipate a book haul post in the near future as well.

Anyway, on to the topic of today’s sightseeing review:

해동용궁사 – Haedong Yonggungsa Temple

This was the last bit of sightseeing that we did on Saturday, July 16 before checking into our hotel.  By this time the rain had basically stopped, but the sky was still very gray and rather depressing.  I still managed to take plenty of pictures, though, as you can see.

The walking trail that led to the temple involved a lot of stairs, but since pretty much every landmark in Korea involves a lot of stairs, they don’t even faze me anymore.  Besides, the trail was beautiful all by itself, which helps distract from all of the stairs.

The temple itself, as the title of this post states, is on a rocky “cliff” area right on the ocean.  This creates some gorgeous views that are definitely worth seeing in person.  Like I stated for most of the other landmarks we saw in Busan, I wish we could have visited on a sunnier day, but it was beautiful nonetheless.

I recommend visiting if you’re ever in the Busan area.  History, culture, and great scenery wrapped up into one destination.

Just one more travel post coming up tomorrow about the beach (yay!) before I start posting more language/culture related stuff again.  Stay tuned!

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